
What makes Fontcuberta (a life-long iconoclast) so effective and so engaging, is his sharp wit, biting humor, stinging intelligence, and seamless technique, with which he infuses all of his elaborate provocations.

He co-opts all forms of media and public communication. In essence, he creates modern-day Trojan-horse-type bodies of work and presents them, deadpan, in scholarly journals, hard-bound “scientific” books, large-scale legitimate museum exhibitions, and as newsworthy “discoveries” that fool even the most professional of experts, journalists, and their readers.

Nothing is sacred, and everything is target for his scathing investigations. He undermines mass media (in all of its guises), scientific investigations, technological breakthroughs, annotated academia, the art world, religion and miracles, medicine, and of course, political and governmental propaganda.

It is difficult to simply characterize his work, because he continues to amaze and confound and amuse with an ever-evolving array of techniques and approaches.

He is a university professor, an author, artist, photographer, curator, lecturer and all-round provocateur. His tireless energy and prolific output amaze anyone who has come into contact with him and/or his work.